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Published Online:https://doi.org/10.4155/ppa-2020-0001

Dr William Katt is a multidisciplinary scientist with particular focus in computational, synthetic and biological chemistry. He obtained his undergraduate degree at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and performed his graduate studies at Yale University, where he focused on designing small-molecule inhibitors of the Rho/Rho GEF interaction. Following those studies, Dr Katt accepted a fellowship from the American Cancer Society which funded his work at Cornell University, where he investigated small-molecule inhibitors of the enzyme glutaminase, a key player in cancer metabolism. Today, Dr Katt is a research associate at Cornell and maintains a number of collaborations with researchers across the nation examining glutaminase, cancer stem cells, nano-therapeutics and more, with the goal of developing therapeutic approaches that will eventually help patients in the clinic.


  • 1. Katt WP, Cerione RA. Inhibition of cancer metabolism: a patent landscape. Pharm. Pat. Anal. 8(4), 117–138 (2019).